Category Archives: Smartphone
Tethering the Centro: A Tale of Failure
I guess I can see it both ways on the subject of tethering. Verizon wants to charge $15 per month on top of my “unlimited” data plan to allow me to use my Centro as a mobile broadband card. There … Continue reading
Palm Centro battery drains in flaky coverage
Maybe Verizon doesn’t have any “dead zones”, but one of my workplaces has what I’ll call a Maelstrom Zone. Even though I’m stationary within the Maelstrom, the Centro seems to bounce back and forth between a Verizon network and an … Continue reading
Centro > Treo 650
Following up on my previous smartphone post, I’ve been using the Centro for over a month now and find it to be a pretty solid upgrade from the Treo 650. I’ll try to keep this brief and just lay out … Continue reading
Treo, Centro, and Verizon: a bubbling cauldron of misery
The title of this post is a little extreme, but I have had some frustrations when looking to upgrade my Treo 650. Here are a few notes I’ve made over the past few days: I’m not going to do business … Continue reading
Kubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn and the Treo 650
In a previous post I described my experience with getting the Treo 650 talking to SuSE 10.0 OSS. Now that I’ve switched to Kubuntu I need to mention a few things. This Ubuntu page was a major help for me. … Continue reading
How to freeze your Treo 650 using Opera Mini 3.0
This document describes how to freeze your Treo 650 in a few easy steps. First things first, you must be using Verizon as your wireless provider. If you aren’t using Verizon then this process might end with you having a … Continue reading
Why I Hate the Treo 650
After laying down the initial $350 bucks for the Treo 650 (not counting rebates), I kind of thought that I wouldn’t be throwing more money at the device. Well, I figured I would get some screen protectors, and a case… … Continue reading
How to get started with a Treo 650 on SuSE 10.0 OSS
In your hand you hold a Treo 650. You look at the shiny new handheld, then you look at your Linux box. You look back at the Treo, then back to the Linux machine. “Maybe,” you think, “maybe I can … Continue reading